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July 24, 2007
Town of Wellfleet - Board of Selectmen
COA Long Pond Room
July 24, 2007
Regular Meeting - Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairwoman Jacqueline Beebe.  Selectmen present included Dale Donovan, Ira Wood, Michael May and Jerry Houk.  Interim/Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson also attended.

Public Hearing – 7PM
Michael May disclosed that he has a commercial shellfish license.
Show Cause Hearing
Shellfish Constable Andy Koch requesting suspension of Commercial Shellfish Permit held by Robert Foley.
Represented by Shellfish Constable Andy Koch. Mr. Koch is requesting a 60 day suspension due to selling oyster seed.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to suspend Robert Foley’s Commercial Shellfish Permit for 60 days.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  5     Nay  0

Shellfish Grant Renewal
#734 and #734A, ten year period.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the renewal of Shellfish Grant #734 and #734A.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0

Shellfish Constable Andy Koch informed the board that the Police Chief has done an investigation on Jarred Bearse. The report determined that he is not a resident of Wellfleet. Mr. Bearse informed the board that he is a resident of Wellfleet and can prove it. Ms. Beebe told Mr. Bearse that the board voted to suspend the license for 60 days, and after that it is left to the Shellfish Constable’s discretion. If Mr. Bearse wishes to appeal the Constable’s decision then a public hearing will take place with the Board of Selectmen.

Discussion: TA Search - 7:15PM
Represented by Thomas Groux. Mr. Groux gave an outline of the board’s desired TA attributes commented at the last meeting. Mr. Groux made a few changes to the draft of the advertisement, reflecting the board’s comments from the last meeting. He described the possibilities of where to advertise. Mr. Houk would like to advertise in a Boston Globe which reaches more neighboring states, rather then keeping it secluded to the cape and islands. Mr. Wood would like to decide on the advertisement tonight – to move along with the process.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the draft advertisement of 7/17/07 from Mr. Groux.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0

Mr. Groux provided the board a timeline of recruitment.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to endorse the timeline, 7/17/07 with the understanding that it is a rough draft.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0

A draft organizational structure table was handed to the board, and Mr. Groux requested that the board review it and get back to him at the next meeting on the changes.

Ms. Beebe asked Mr. Groux what the process would be in finding a search committee. Mr. Groux suggested an advertisement in the newspaper, on the website. An application would assist the board in reviewing the candidates for the committee. Mr. Wood would like the search committee to hold a public hearing to solicit ideas as to what the public is looking for in the new TA.

Announcements – 8:15PM

New Business
1.      Request from Michael & Dale Rice, regarding Lucinda Goldman’s dog.
Represented by Animal Control Officer Lorial Russell. Ms. Russell gave a brief history of the dog situation and requested an existing fence to be raised to 6ft.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to have a public hearing unless the Animal Control Officer can convince the owners of the dog can voluntarily raise the fence.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0

2.      Board/Committee Re-appointment
¨       Local Housing – Steven Durkee
¨       Coastal & Pond Access Committee – Jim Falcone and Thomas Flynn
¨       Cable Access – John O’Hara and Betsy Williams
¨       Shellfish Advisory – Andrew Cummings and Joel Fox
¨       Community Preservation – Judy Taylor
¨       Marina Advisory – Robert Gross, Joel Fox and Flip Felix
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the above reappointments.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  5     Nay  0

2.      LCPC
Represented by Paul Pilcher. Mr. Pilcher introduced the draft Local Comprehensive Plan Update. Barbara Gray wanted to recognize Paul Pilcher and Rex Peterson’s diligence and extensive efforts.  Mr. Donovan asked if the update was to replace the original 1995 LCP. Mr. Pilcher stated that this was just an update not a replacement.

3.      Elaine McIlroy representing the Wellfleet Housing Authority.
Represented by Elaine McIlroy and Paul Pilcher. Mr. Pilcher gave a brief description of the Affordable Accessory Dwelling Unit Loan Program; it would increase the stock of affordable housing now. It’s meant to encourage landlords to covert existing units to become affordable with a 30 year loan at no interest.

4.      Policies
Mr. Donovan suggested that the Policies on Policies has a schedule. He suggested eliminating the 5 week process, and the sunset clause, and should be decided upon at the next meeting. Mr. Houk feels that the proposed business policy would give too much power to one individual. Mr. Donovan informed Mr. Houk that the procedure of department sign offs would not be eliminated. This proposal is meant to be a convenience for the retail businesses.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the revised the Business License/registration policy.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  5     Nay  0

5.      Lisa Brown and Jodi Birchall requesting use of the
¨       Town Hall Lawn everyday at 11AM and 9PM for prayer vigils for Caleb Potter.
¨       Baker’s Field Tent and surrounding area on Thursday July 26th from 5pm-9:30pm for a benefit fund for Caleb Potter.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve use of Town Hall Lawn and Baker’s Field.
Motion by:      Ira Wood.               Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0
¨       Becky Rosenberg and Ariana Camik are proposing a Bike/Walk/Run on Sunday August 12th at 8AM, to benefit Caleb Potter.  The event will follow There will be a $20 fee which will include a tee-shirt.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the event, with condition that signoff from proper department heads are made.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0

Old Business
1.      Ben Zehnder requesting approval of an easement of Parcels 175 and 181 on Assessor’s Map 40.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the easements of Parcels 175 and 181 of Map 40.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  5     Nay  0

Mr. Wood reviewed the Correspondence report dated 7/6 – 7/23.
¨       Small Cities grant was given to Wellfleet for $960,970 to be given to existing home owners to rehab their homes for energy efficiency, handicap accessibility.
¨       Adele Anderson is retiring, and the staff at the Senior Center will be dedicating Sept 18th Adele Anderson Appreciation day.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve September 18th as Adele Anderson Appreciation Day.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Michael May.            Yea  5     Nay  0

Open Session
¨       Susan, from Sen. O’Leary gave the Selectmen an update from his office. Mr. Houk would like to inform Sen. O’Leary that he is very upset that the budget for Americorp may be cut. Their services within Wellfleet have been very valuable to the town.
¨       Dale Donovan would like to congratulated the Police, Harbormaster, Recreation and DPW staff should be for working hard at keeping the square dance continuing throughout the summer. Mr. May would like to thank Paul Lindberg for moving the bandstand multiple times.
¨       Lorial Russell gave a draft of Animal Rules and Regulations for the board to review.
¨       Jerry Houk announced Cape Cod Alzheimer Benefit on August 5th from 3-7PM,at the  Inn at Duck Creek.
¨       Jerry Houk would like the open session to be moved up earlier into the meeting.
¨       Michael Frazier would like to know the progress on his request. Ms. Beebe has completed three of the questions and waiting to complete it before she gives it to him.

1.      July 10, 2007
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve July 10th minutes as written.
Motion by:      Michael May.            Seconded by:    Dale Donovan.           Yea  5     Nay  0

Future Meetings/Agendas
¨       Environmental Partners will be at the Selectmen’s meeting on August 14th.

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen enter executive and not to reconvene in open session for union contract negotiations.
Motion by:  Dale Donovan.               Seconded by:   Michael May.             Yea  5     Nay  0
Roll call (Wood, Donovan, Beebe, May and Houk – yea)

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth G. Hartsgrove
Executive Assistant